torsdag den 5. maj 2011

Digt: The Secret

The Secret

A man of thoughts and not of wish,
Is like the water without any fish;

And when the water begins to stir,
It's like the music in transfer;

And when the music begins to play,
It's like a tree who does pray;

And when the tree begins to grow,
It's like the stars start to glow;

And when a star gets turned off,
It's like a baby who does cough;

And when the baby starts to cry,
It's like a bird with no eye;

And when the eye opens its lid,
It's like a man who knows what he did;

And when the man begins to think,
It's like a lion soaked in ink;

And when the lion begins to call,
It's like a glass hits the wall;

And when the wall begins to crack,
It's like a knife into your back;

And when your back begins to hurt,
It's like your heart begins to blurt;

And in your heart there is no doubt,
Oh yes, your secret is now out.

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